I am an associate professor at the Department of Management of the Faculty of Business Administration, Prague University of Economics and Business, and a researcher at the Prague College of Psychosocial Studies. I am the head of the Behavioral and Experimental Economics Research Group at the Prague University of Economics and Business.
I am mainly interested in judgment and decision making. In particular, my research examines moral judgment and moral behavior, anchoring effect, and processing fluency. I am also interested in open science, psychological methodology, statistics, programming, and intersections between psychology and computer science.
If you are interested in a Ph.D. or postdoctoral position under my supervision, feel free to contact me.
Data, analysis scripts, and materials for my papers can be found on the Open Science Framework.
You can contact me at: bahniks@seznam.cz
Selected publications
Bahník, Š. (2021). Anchoring without scale distortion. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 131-141.
See Publications for the full list.